SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices

Home Hospitality Units SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices

SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices

In this unit you will learn how to;

  1. Follow food safety program
  2. Store food safely
  3. Prepare food safely
  4. Provide safe single use items
  5. Maintain a clean environment
  6. Dispose of food safely


Australian catering operations are required to implement food safety programs that provide a proactive method of minimising the incidence and impact of food-borne illness. They need to establish, promote and follow safe food handling procedures in compliance with current food handling legislation. These procedures should detail how to purchase, receive, handle, transport, store, prepare, cook and serve food safely.

To this end the organisation should develop a Food Safety Plan. These plans form a preventative approach to food safety, based on the principle that food safety is best achieved through the identification and control of hazards (or critical control points) in the production, manufacturing and handling of food. They also assist in minimising wastage, thus increasing profit.

Food safety, as you have already learned, is extremely important; incorrect handling and/or storage of food products can lead to serious illness. It is important, therefore, that you follow your organisation’s food safety procedures at all times.

Access and Use Relevant Information

Food safety, in Australia, is governed by the Food Safety Act 1991 and regulated by the Food Safety Standards Australia/New Zealand (FSANZ). As discussed in unit SITXFSA005 the FSANZ standards are broken down into four different categories;

  1. General food standards;
  2. Food production standards;
  3. Food safety standards; and
  4. Primary production standards

It is the standards in category 3 that you will be most concerned with in a commercial kitchen environment.

Overall, there are five standards that are particularly important for food handlers and food safety supervisors – they are:

  1. Standard 3.1.1 Interpretation and Application
  2. Standard 3.2.1 Food Safety Programs
  3. Standard 3.2.2. Food Safety Practices and general requirements
  4. Standard 3.2.3 Food premises and equipment
  5. Standard 3.3.1 Food Safety Programs – Service to Vulnerable persons

…. more on this in the learner guide…..

Reasons for food safety programs

In accordance Standard 3, Food Safety Programs are an industry requirement and are designed to help businesses identify and manage food safety hazards.  All business are different, however, and may have specific issues that they are faced with. They may operate in very different climates which will affect their ability to keep food products fresh; they may have different customers who have specific food preferences which will influence the products they buy, use and store. These issues, among many others will have an impact on a food safety program.

The food safety program should, therefore, be designed around the individual business, taking its specific requirements into account and it should provide staff with procedures and processes to follow for all aspects of the business – for example;

  • food handling (including delivery and receiving of goods)
  • cleaning practices
  • safe storage methods
  • waste disposal

For example;

  • staff must check all incoming food deliveries on receipt for freshness and quality. Any spoiled or products of poor quality are to be returned to the supplier and a record kept of the reason for its return.
    • Incoming food supplies must not have any marks or bruises
    • Opened or broken packaging is not to be accepted
    • and so on…..
  • inventory sheets must be updated with information about incoming supplies immediately and signed off by a supervisor.
  • all incoming food deliveries are to be distributed to correct areas of the organisation immediately. Staff must ensure that all food items are stored in correct containers and correct temperatures in line with the food safety plan storage guide
  • staff must wear gloves at all times when handling food products
  • all food preparation surfaces must be wiped down thoroughly after each use and sanitised in line with cleaning roster
  • staff should use single use paper towels when wiping hands or cleaning up spills

…. more in learner guide …..

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